
Upgrade 2: Advertising, 1 year, worldwide

Worldwide, 1 year Increase reach

Upgrade 2 is valid from the date of purchase for worldwide, 1 year, and in all national languages. All restrictions of the Lifetime-Licence for advertising are lifted. 

The distribution channels open for advertising are:

  • (IP)TV, cinema advertising (ad/spot)
  • In-flight entertainment ad/spot (airlines, ship)
  • Instream-ad/spot (Pre-, Mid-, Postroll)
  • Outstream-ad/spot (In-Page, In-Feed)
  • Ad-Games (ad/spot in games)
  • unlim ad-financed download (preceding ad/spot)
  • unlim ad-financed physical data carrier (ad/spot on DVD/USB stick)

Upgrade 2 can also be purchased at a later date or renewed in the customer account before expiry.