Upgrade 2: Advertising, 1 year, worldwide
Upgrade 2 is valid from the date of purchase for worldwide, 1 year, and in all national languages. All restrictions of the Lifetime-Licence for advertising are lifted.
The distribution channels open for advertising are:
- (IP)TV, cinema advertising (ad/spot)
- In-flight entertainment ad/spot (airlines, ship)
- Instream-ad/spot (Pre-, Mid-, Postroll)
- Outstream-ad/spot (In-Page, In-Feed)
- Ad-Games (ad/spot in games)
- unlim ad-financed download (preceding ad/spot)
- unlim ad-financed physical data carrier (ad/spot on DVD/USB stick)
Upgrade 2 can also be purchased at a later date or renewed in the customer account before expiry.
2.2UPGRADE 2 (Advertising)
a.UPGRADE 2 requires the acquisition of the Lifetime-Licence and extends the rights of use for the UPGRADE DURATION in a selected area of distribution.
b.Available areas of distribution are named COUNTRIES. The UPGRADE DURATION is always one year or 365 days, starting from the purchase of the upgrade.
c.UPGRADE 2 permits the license holder to use the Work for commercial advertising purposes on the distribution channels excluded in the Lifetime-Licence (GLC sec. 1.2.a) and extends the rights of use for the UPGRADE DURATION in the selected countrys in terms of location, time, material and media accordingly. These are; (IP)TV/movie/cinema advertising, in-flight entertainment ads, in-stream ads (pre-, mid-, post-roll), out-stream ads, ad-games, unlimited commercial download, or data storage linked with advertising spots. (e.g. TV spots, commercial advertising in airline entertainment systems, in-stream spots on YouTube/OTT/IPTV/App, in-feed Facebook timeline advertising, sponsor spots in games, image films on commercial USB sticks, advertising spot when downloading web content).
d.GLC Sec. 2.2. h refers to rights reserved for distribution via in-flight entertainment systems.
e.With UPGRADE 2, the license holder selects one or more countries in which the extended advertising reach. The basic setting is set to 1 (one) COUNTRY. The COUNTRIES have to be specified in the checkout of the online store (project description).
f.Before the UPGRADE PERIOD expires, the license holder may extend the UPGRADE 2 option for each country by one additional UPGRADE PERIOD in the user account (My Licenses). The new UPGRADE PERIOD begins for each country when the existing UPGRADE PERIOD expires. The new PERIOD begins for each country when the existing UPGRADE PERIOD expires.
g.Worldwide: UPGRADE 2 offers a "WORLDWIDE" option for the UPGRADE DURATION of one (1) year or 365 days, starting at the time of purchase. By selecting this option, UPGRADE 2 is valid for the UPGRADE DURATION in all countries worldwide. It is recommended to select this option if you require 5 or more countries.
h.In-flight entertainment systems: Distribution of the Work in so-called in-flight entertainment systems on national or cross-border public transport imperatively requires the option "WORLDWIDE" when choosing the distribution area.
i.UPGRADE 2 extension options with different UPGRADE DURATION and COUNTRIES can run side by side. The license holder must independently supervise running times and scope within the selected countries. .
j.When an UPGRADE 2 extension option expires, the restricted rights of use and distribution from the underlying Lifetime-Licence automatically apply to all previously selected countries. The license holder must independently supervise running times and scope within the selected countries.
k.NOT covered by Upgrade 2 and it is prohibited to use ProTraxx under the UPGRADE 2 expansion option without prior payment of the fees when purchasing the UPGRADE 2 at a later time than the Lifetime-Licence or when extending it for another UPGRADE TIME. The fee(s) must be paid by credit card immediately before the planned use in the online store.